About this Blog

Why I'm Writing This Blog?

Because I was searching for doing something different, I discovered woodworking as a great way to spent my free time.
My day job is stressful and full of tasks which are not necessarily essential for life.
Woodworking will give me the needed calm to come down and relax.
But it is not only doing something different, but doing it in a different way.
That said, my dedication is doing it with my hands and hand tools only.

What Is It All About?

This Blog is all about Hand Tool Woodworking. And all the things around it.
  • Wood
  • Tools
  • Design
  • Handcraft
  • Projects
I'm not a woodworking professional and I won't teach you in any way.
This Blog will report about my woodworking journey as a hobby woodworker.

And How Will It Be?

The concept of this Blog will be, to have a main project which I'm reporting about.
I'll post this report every Wednesday.
Beside that I'll do some posts around the main project. Writing about tools, design aspects, observations, new books or videos.

A Blog is never done. So this Blog will develop over the time.
Whenever I got a new idea I will bring it to the next phase.

One last remark. I'm not a native English speaker (writer in this case).
This Blog shall help to develop my language skills a bit.
If you will find a wording which seems not to be right or well, then feel free to let me know.